
(J. Massenet)

Werther de  Jules Massenet

Teatro Avenida - Buenos Aires (Argentine)

Première August 31, 2004

How to represent a state of mind? As an emotional condition that emanates from the source of our agitation, where it all begins, i.e., from the human heart?

These were the first questions that triggered my path towards the staging idea of this opera. If we are affected by a state of mind, surely our view of reality is equally affected. That is precisely what happens to Werther: pure overwhelmed subjectivity that impregnates the stage.

Love seems to move in phases, from the rapture of the first vision to the drunken perception of the perfect loved one and finally the threat of ruin that will devastate not only him but also his beloved. Hence the decision to create a space in which everything —costumes, furniture, objects, etc.— is "stained" by the colour of this subjectivity, linked to an accompanying symbolic nature. Werther is the one who arranges the scene and chooses the colour while, shut out from the beginning, he unsuccessfully strives by every possible means to inhabit it, to become part of that image. The dramatic echo comes in the form of Charlotte's voice, repeating over and over again, "We must part”.

Creative team

Conductor: Carlos Callejas

Director: Rita Cosentino

Set Designer: Diego Siliano

Costumes: Luciana Gutman

Lighting: Horacio Efron


Werther: Gustavo López Manzitti

Charlotte: Alejandra Malvino

Albert: Luciano Garay

Sophie: Ana Laura Menéndez

Le Bailli: Oscar Grassi

Schmidt: Manuel Núñez Camelino

Johann: Alejandro Meerapfel

Kätchen: Cintia Velásquez

Brülmann: Carlos d'Onofrio

Children: Martín Vilanoba, Agustín Somacal, Rodrigo Pascual Tubert, David Sallago, Fabiola Tapini, María Kouznetsova

Buenos Aires Lírica Female Chorus. Director: Juan Casasbellas

Members of the National Children's Choir. Director: Vilama Gorini de Teseo

Buenos Aires Lírica Orchestra.

Presented and produced by the Buenos Aires Lírica Association.

Werther de  Jules Massenet

Photography: Liliana Morsia



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Teatro Colón Buenos Aires, Teatro Real Madrid, Teatro Avenida Buenos Aires, Teatro Argentino La Plata, Teatro Arriaga Bilbao, Teatro Fernán Gómez Madrid, Teatro Principal Alicante, Teatro Campoamor de Oviedo, Grand Théâtre Aix en Provence, Theâtre du Châtelet Versailles, Theater Kleineshaus Basel, Theater An der Wien Vienna, Philharmonie Paris, Thèâtre Le Volcan in Le Havre, Teatro la Zarzuela Madrid, Juan March Foundation Madrid, Teatro Auditorio Cuenca, Sala Sec Barcelona, Castell Peralada, Teatros del Canal en Madrid, San Lorenzo del Escorial Auditorium Madrid, University Carlos III Auditorium Madrid, Spain Cultural Center in Buenos Aires, Tres Cantos Main Hall Madrid, International Festival of Santander, Museum of Romanticism Madrid, Teatro Solís in Uruguay, among others.

Rita Cosentino - Directora de Escena
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